Monthly Archives: December 2012



Wedding-Key West 103

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind full of romance.  Not only is it the most wonderful time of the year celebrating Jesus’ birthday, but I flew down to Key West for my daughter Megan’s wedding, came home and started a new job the next day, had a reception for the newlyweds a few days after that and then it was Christmas.  Although they were all good things and cause for great celebration, at times I thought I would crack!  Who wouldn’t with a stress barometer on overload?!?  But it was all brilliantly blissful, and here I am looking back and imagining it was a fairy tale… the happily ever after kind.

Wedding-Key West 129Megan and Matt are now husband and wife.  Their journey has just begun.  As I stood watching their Wedding-Key West 127wedding photo session at the Southern most point of the United States with palm trees blowing, sailboats passing and a gorgeous sun setting in the background, I couldn’t help but think of the voyage that lies ahead for them. Once they settle down from all the excitement and wonder and beauty of a magically perfect wedding day and reception, reality will set in.  A good reality where they have promised each other that for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health they will love and support each other through life’s ups and downs.  And as we seasoned adults already know, there are many ups and downs.  Everyday life will begin with all its twists and turns.  The road will rise and fall, good times will come, hopefully few bad times, and through it all you will have the trust and security that you feel in marriage when you know you don’t have to go through it alone. There is a hand to hold, a shoulder to lean on and someone who loves you so much that you know they will always be there for you no matter what.

I won’t pretend that marriage is easy.  You love each other with all your hearts and, yet, sometimes you hate the very same person for reasons that are mostly foolish and self-serving, but sometimes very serious. You learn to work it out and talk it out and compromise and hopefully realize that giving up is not an option.  And after you have worked it out, you’re proud of yourself because you’ve made it through another crisis together and love each other even more. -22

Marriage is meant to be forever – it’s not meant to give up on at the first sign of trouble.  It means renewing a relationship over and over and over again, and growing together in understanding and loving your spouse more and more each day despite the problems that crop up from time to time.  You will hopefully be blessed with children, and that will be another road traveled down together with so much joy your heart will almost burst!  It will make your relationship even more precious.

So, I toast my daughter Megan and my new son Matt.  Wishing you all the joy your hearts can hold and God’s blessings on each step you take down the different roads you will travel.  I wish you patience, fortitude and understanding when the going gets tough, and I wish you love and laughter and silliness and fun.  And don’t forget to dance together often, it’s important!




My youngest daughter Megan is getting married this week!  I’m getting butterflies even thinking about how joyous a time this is going to be.

1204120902Megan and Matt have had a wonderful journey together so far.  They were not “a love at first sight” couple.  They met through a college friend Jenn and “hung out” with a group of friends for a while. Then I think they kind of lost touch.  When their college years were coming to a close, Megan went with Jenn to Matt’s graduation party at his house and that’s where their realbaby story began.

When Megan and Matt began dating, our family lived in the rural area of Upper Bucks County, PA.  Matt and his family lived near Atlantic City.  They had kind of a long-distance romance…he would travel and spend a weekend here, and then she would travel and spend a weekend there.  I don’t think it was easy for them since it was a good 2 ½ to 3 hour commute.

I remember at the beginning of all this that Megan came down with a terrible cold/flu thing which rendered her bedridden. She and Matt were talking on the phone that night and then they hung up and she fell asleep.  Well, 3 hours later there was a knock at the door and there stood Matt with a quart of chicken noodle soup for Meg.  That’s the moment I knew he was the one for her. Traveling three hours on a work night to bring your sick girlfriend a quart of chicken noodle soup….now that’s love.

m&MTheir romance has had its ups and downs like everyone else’s.  Good times; bad times.  They relocated to Florida four years ago, got a cat, bought a house, got a dog.  They’ve built a wonderful life for themselves and have weathered many storms.

So now they’re making the commitment to each other to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death they do part.  I know for sure that Matt has the “in sickness” part down! And Megan is one lucky girl to have someone so thoughtful and kind.M&M2

My heart bursts with pride for Megan and all she’s become in living her life her way.  She’s grown into a fine young woman. I’m happy that she still believes in love despite some twists and turns that have crossed her path.  And I’m glad that I’m finally going to have a wonderful new son!  My cup is literally running over with happiness and joy.

So, here’s to Megan and Matt and to your happily ever after! Fairy tales do come true.

Wishing you all of God’s bountiful blessings…Love, Mom